Graduation Information Skip to main content

Graduation Information

All You Need to Know About How To Finish the Graduation Process

A Graduation cap thrown into the air in front of Y Mountain

Graduation Application Deadlines

April Graduation: November 15

June Graduation: February 15

August Graduation: April 15

December Graduation: September 15

***NOTE: If the 15th falls on a Sunday, then the application is due the Friday before.

Apply for Graduation

1) Online application for graduation through myBYU.
2) Contact the CTB Advisement Office in 265 CTB (Crabtree Bldg) to make an appointment to review your graduation application and approve it.
3) Fill out the Graduation Request Form: Click here for a PDF of the form. Please download the form. If you fill it out in a web browser it won’t work correctly. Fill it out (including the photo), sign it, attach the graduation request form with your resume in an email to the CTB Advisement Office at We prefer a digital copy; please do not print it out.

Exit Interview Surveys:

You are also required to complete an exit interview before you will be allowed to graduate. You will be contacted to sign up for an interview time 1-2 months before graduation. Please complete the exit interview survey for your major prior to your interview.

IT&C Exit Interview Survey and interview with Brother Hansen

MFGEN Exit Interview Survey

MFGEN graduates are not currently required to do an in-person interview with the program coordinator.

TES-Teaching Exit Interview Survey and interview with Brother Wright

TES-Technical Exit Interview Survey and interview with Brother Wright